Liebig evaporator
Liebig evaporator
Liebig b> evaporators consist of a formic acid vial and absorbent washers mainly made of pure cellulose. Principle published by Dr. Gerhard Liebig.
Use: vaporizer put to empty hive box over honeycomb with acid concentrate 65%. Repeat 2-3x concentration and a fall tracking.
The advantage is that, when applied to the colony, it is minimally, very easy and fast application (also suitable for velvetlers) Evaporator tested for long time by the beekeeping research center in Hohenheim, can be discarded when used in good time bee colonies so much that autumn and winter damping of varroasis is already gone importance. Like other KM vaporizers, it can also be used in an intermediate period the substance (KM) is not accumulated in the wax and does not produce residues as well application of some other substances for varroasis damping
Simple to use Liebig vaporizer b> p>Paper wick is placed on the base yellow board. Bottle filled with formic acid, is fixed to the base plate. Formic acid slowly flows through the droplet, and is absorbed by a paper knot. Wet knot evaporates formic acid into the hive. The concentration of acid in the hive increases slowly, but permanently. Once the paper wool is fully saturated, the concentration vapor remains constant. p>
Formic acid is a strong caustic, therefore, follow the instructions from supplier and treat it very carefully. In any case, you should have protective goggles, protective gloves. Have enough water to be washed. Before fill the Liebig vaporizer flask first with water the dropper from the neck of the container (eg with small flat tongs). Needed amount 85% formic acid is measured with a bottle filling scale. Exactly information on the amount of acid and wicking can be found in the enclosed instructions. p>
The option to resize the paper wool allows you to regulate the desired evaporation rate to regulate a number of different influences (temperature, and hive size, outdoor temperature, sun strength). p>
If evaporation from the Liebig evaporator is too rapid, then reduce the evaporator surface, but be sure to follow the safety instructions. Evaporating place the Liebig into an empty extension. Bottom hives should be protected from by leaving the KM vapor but leaving the cherry open. Place the Liebig vaporizer above the fetus frames. Remove the Liebig evaporator as soon as a bottle of formic acid is used empty (one to two weeks). p>
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