Plastic frame 3/4 Langstroth - 185 mm
Material is yellow polypropylene with heat resistance up to 100 ° C with attestation for contact With food and health Plastic frames Langstroth 3/4 (185 mm) replaces seaming, wringing, inserting and sealing Intermediate. They are made of material that is certified for food contact. Plastic frames are not only in the world, they have been using us for many years. Frames are made of thermo yellow plastic. Plastic keeps the temperature below 100 ° C Temperatures become brittle and deform. Can be used in boilers but not in flux. It is ideal to scrape the wax with a spatula.
Plastic wraps must be waxed before use. Best By soaking, roller or paint. Mixing is a high wax consumption. Soak in Wax at a temperature of 70 to 85 ° C. When applying rollers, use a nylon roller. The lowest wax consumption is when flat machine is applied. When painting is not necessary Fill the bottom of each cell, just apply the wax to all the edges of the cells and on Frame edges. The bees do not make a difference between the thus prepared intermediate and a Classical, waxy partitions.
Made in Czech republic.
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